The sacrament of Reconciliation -- also known as Confession --
is when a person acknowledges their offenses by confessing their
sins to a priest, who acts in persona Christi -- in the person of Christ.
It is Christ -- not the priest -- Who grants forgiveness and administers absolution with a Final Blessing over the penitent, telling him or her,
"Go now; your sins are forgiven".
Confessions are heard at St. John Neumann every Saturday
at 2:30 p.m., ending promptly at 3:30 p.m. to allow time
for Fr. Dunn to prepare for 4:00 p.m. Mass.
Whether your last confession was ten days ago or ten years ago,
there is always opportunity for forgiveness if you approach the
sacrament with true sorrow for your sins and a willingness to
avoid near occasions of sin. Anxiety and worry are normal,
even for Catholics who receive the sacrament regularly,
since to make a good confession is to make oneself humble
and vulnerable. It is important to remember that Our Lord
does not shame you for your sins, rather welcomes you back
with open Arms into the boundless Love of His Merciful Heart.
As Catholics, we hope and rejoice in the Mercy of Our Loving God!
If it has been a while and you feel that you will need more time
to make your confession, or if you would like the opportunity to
speak with the priest beforehand, please contact the parish office
and we will schedule a date & time for you to meet with Father Dunn.
Hard copies are available in our church building
for you to take home. Act of Contrition cards are also
in our confessionals to help you during the sacrament.
Act of Contrition Prayer
Examination of Conscience for Adults and Teens
A Guide to Confession by the Knights of Columbus